What services do you offer?

We are a full-service production company that handles all aspects of feature film and television production. Our services include concept development, scriptwriting, budgeting, casting, location scouting, principal photography, post-production, visual effects, sound design, marketing, and distribution.

What is your production process?

First, we meet with clients to develop the vision for the project and create a production plan. Our team handles financing, legal matters, and assembling the crew. Pre-production involves script revisions, storyboarding, casting, and location scouting. During production, we manage principal photography and work closely with the director through the shoot. Post-production includes editing, VFX, scoring, sound mixing, and deliverables.

How long does a production take?

It depends on the scale of the project, but generally the production process takes 1-2 years for a feature film and 6 months - 1 year for a television series season. We take care of all aspects from development through delivery to meet our clients' deadlines.

What sizes of projects have you taken on?

We have produced small independent films up to major studio blockbuster films and shows for streaming/broadcast. Our experience allows us to seamlessly produce projects of any scope and budget.

Where have you filmed in the past?

We have filmed movies and shows on location across the UK and around the world. Our productions have filmed in London, Manchester, Scotland, and more.

Do you have a production reel?

Yes, please visit our website to view samples of our work, including film trailers, behind-the-scenes footage, and sizzles from our television projects. This will give you a feel for the high production value we deliver.

How much does a production cost?

Budgets vary greatly based on the script, talent, locations, length, special effects, and other factors. We provide detailed cost estimates during our initial meetings to align on a budget that fits your vision and resources.

How can I get started?

Reach out to our development team at info@markitproductions.co.uk to discuss your project idea. We'll schedule a consultation to assess how we can bring your story to life on screen through our full-service production capabilities.

We hope these FAQs provide useful information about Markit Productions' full-service film and television production capabilities. If you have any other questions or would like to discuss an upcoming project, please contact us at info@markitproductions.co.uk. Our team is always available to provide guidance on how we can bring your vision to life on screen through our end-to-end production services.

We look forward to learning more about your project and delivering an exceptional production experience. Please reach out so we can get started!